Thursday 19 April 2012

Edumacate yourself!

Hey there everyone, it's time for another instalment of how you can keep yourself looking like a moron, and hopefully keep me from having an aneurysm at the same time.  For the latter my main recommendation is that you go be someone else's problem but if that's not an option we can go with the next available option which is making sure you know what you're looking for!  Lets begin.

One of the questions I recently had from more than one customer which absolutely floors me is when they ask "Is the 64 GB iPhone the fastest."  This is so wrong that it makes me wince a bit.  While you may hear the term 'gigabyte' being bandied by the tech savvy pretentious assholes at your local Starbucks, and saying how more GB is making their computer faster, they're discussing RAM.  In the case of the Apple iPhones the 16, 32, or 64 GB refers to the amount of internal hard drive space that the phone has, which can be important with the non-expandable memory of iPhones.  In basic terms, this is talking about how much music, videos, apps, pictures, etc the phone can hold on it.  The only difference between these models is going to be the price you pay, and the amount of available space to store stuff (protip: 32 GB is double the amount of space of 16 GB, and 64 GB is double the amount of 32 GB).  Just a few minutes of looking into these sort of things can help you out a long way when you're ordering a cell phone to be sure you get the phone you need and will last you for the duration of your service agreement.

Speaking of duration of service agreements, let's touch base on this one just a little bit although for different reasons than what I went into detail about yesterday.  When you're going to be picking out a new cell phone there's a few things you should consider before you make a final choice; including but not limited to the following.  Do you like the style? Is it comfortable and easy for you to use?

Wait, stop the presses just a second.  I need to interject something completely random which just occurred and never ceases to piss me the fuck off when someone shows this level of stupidity.  When I say "Call customer care at (phone number)." Your next question should never, ever, ever be "What is the phone number?"  It's not like I just read it aloud and you didn't hear all the numbers, it's literally on the screen in front of you.  Pull your head out of your ass and try using the brain between your ears!  Argh!  Frustrating!

Back to our regularly scheduled rant here...Is this a phone that wows you when you pick it up? Do you see yourself using it for a full 2 years? Is it easy to read and send messages?  These are just a few of the things you should look into, and if you have a provider like the one I work for that gives you a 30 day trial with the phone that's even better as that will let you take the phone for a test-drive of your own personal usage over the course of a few weeks.  This will help you avoid looking like a moron when you come ranting to someone who couldn't care less about how you have such a shitty phone and you absolutely hate it, but you bought it three months ago.  I find it hard to believe that you didn't realize you hated it within a week, let alone taking 3 months to get your lazy ass to do something about it.  Try being a bit more proactive in the future and these sort of things won't happen to you.

The last subject that I want to touch on today is "insider knowledge" and advanced information about release dates.  Let me be very blunt with this one and just go on record as saying we really don't know.  Honestly, it's just as big a secret to us as to when phones are being released although we occasionally get one week notice. Even when we know, unless there's a marketing campaign announcing it we still usually can't tell you though.  Any time you visit a store, or talk to anyone in cell phone sales and ask about an iPhone 5 and get told "Later this year" consider that a steaming crock of shit answer.  Here's the real answer as far as that goes: There has been no official announcement from Apple about making a new iPhone model.  This isn't surprising because Apple is a very secretive company when it comes to new device announcements.  Does this mean I don't think there's a chance there will be an iPhone 5? Of course not, there will be one as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, but don't ask me for a release date 'cause you're just going to have to be as patient as the rest of us.

Here's my little sum-up in 3 sentences or less of everything in-case you're a tl;dr type of person.  Have an idea of what you're talking about before you start acting like you know, put some thought into how you expect a phone to last the full duration of your service agreement, and don't think that sales people are withholding crucial information about release dates just to spite you.  We're real people too you know.

Rob out.

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